Lake Change for Upcoming Tournament
With the current Covid-19 pandemic this has been a rather hard season to start off. The Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, which controls Bull Shoals Lake and other southern lakes has removed all regattas until May 15th. With that said, we didn't know if this was going to be extended. We had a video conference with several anglers on April 26th and we talked about moving the tournament to a different lake. I do not like to make rumors and hear rumors until I have things in place to execute the plan.
We requested and have an approved regatta for Truman Lake launching from Bucksaw Resort in Clinton on May 17th, 2020. Take Off will be at 6 am with a weigh in at 3 pm. I hope everyone is ready and receive this change. I will be returning phone calls and taking to people in the coming days. We will put out guidelines on the he procedures we will have in place for everyone to adhere to during our tournament. I look forward to seeing everyone there at TRUMAN LAKE!!
Solo Pro Series Staff.